Tolongin Aku

Hai... Namaku Melly, Aku Kuliah Di Bandung (Kampus Dirahasiakan) Sekedar Info Aja, Gw Kost Dan Butuh Duit Buat Kebutuhan Sehari-Hari. Ortu Gw Di Jakarta, Dan Kadang Duit Dateng Gak Tepat Waktu. Buat Nambahin Duit Jajan, Jujur Aja Gw Bisa Dipake Asal Dibayar. Dan Sekarang Gw Lagi Butuh Duit Banget. Shortime : 300rb Longtime : 1,2Jt No HP Gw Ada di blog ini ( Sengaja Gw Sembunyiin ) Tolong Ya, Gw Ini Serius. Kalo Lw Emang Niat Mau Sama Gw Jangan Cuma Miscall2 Doank Ya. Dan Tolong Jaga Rahasia Diri Gw. Gw Gak Mau Ortu Tau ! Gw Tunggu Ya, Tolong Jangan Main2 Gw Cuma Bisa Untuk Daerah Jabodetabek-Bandung

Friday, November 21, 2008

Various Types of Ghosts

You have read volumes about ghosts and have browsed hundreds of websites to devour more information on ghosts, but have you ever wondered how many types of ghosts there are? The fact is that there are various types of ghosts out there and all these are minutely described and documented by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF).

The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has undertaken extensive research on ghosts in order to demystify this widespread phenomenon and help people in recognising and treating the adverse effects caused by ghosts through proven methodology according to the science of Spirituality.

At the outset, it is important to note that while we use the phrase ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) as a collective noun to cover the entire gamut of negative energies, there is a vast difference between the lower order ghosts and higher order ghosts such as subtle sorcerers (maantriks) from the sixth and seventh region of Hell. They differ according to their spiritual strength. Ghosts primarily use their spiritual strength to harm humanity.

The generic types of ghosts as identified by the Spiritual Science Research Foundation in ascending order of hierarchy as well as power and strength are:

• Common ghost
• Demons
• Black serpent
• Female goblin
• Jaakhin
• Witch
• Spirit
• Subtle sorcerer

The Hierarchy among Ghosts

There is a hierarchy among ghosts which is based on their spiritual power or strength. Ultimately all ghosts are controlled by subtle sorcerers (maantriks).

Basic shape and form of types of ghosts

The spiritual principle that word, touch, form, taste, smell and its associated energy coexist is also true with ghosts. Depending on their type of energy, they take up generic forms. These forms can however change, depending on what the ghost is trying to achieve. For example, if the ghost is trying to intimidate, it will take up an intimidating form, whereas if it is trying to fool a spiritual healer it may take a form of an angel or a positive energy. They can also take the form of our departed ancestors thus misleading psychics and the people who come to psychics to enquire about departed relatives. This is true in almost all cases.